24 Feb Indian Supreme Court to Rule on Central Bank’s Crypto Banking Ban
India’s Supreme Court is set to rule on a legal challenge to restrictions placed on banks dealing with cryptocurrency traders imposed by the central Reserve Bank of India (RBI). If the challenge proved successful, the ruling could pave the way for the state to take a more lenient approach to the cryptocurrency sector.
The RBI decided to issue the ban on banks and financial institutions wishing to deal with cryptocurrencies back in April 2018.
The court will likely decide this week whether the Indian central bank exceeded its powers by imposing limits on cryptocurrency transactions.
In a Bloomberg podcast, New Delhi-based court reporter Upmanyu Trivedi said that the Reserve Bank of India’s April 2018 directive was “at the heart of this case.”
The reporter explained that the directive “was not a direct ban on cryptocurrencies, technically, but a ban on banking services’…
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