15 Feb Cypherpunk witches turn to crypto as an alternative to mainstream platforms
Proponents of modern-day witchcraft known as cypherpunk witches have turned to cryptocurrency as an alternative to mainstream platforms in expressing their rights. Founder of the Future Witch Facebook Group, Claire Gallant said she sees many similarities between cyberpunk values and witchcraft.
Gallant is a strong advocate of cypherpunk witches and a strong supporter of the Ethereum crypto who is involved in a fundraising program for the crypto research startup, Open Privacy. The Open Privacy founder Sarah Lewis often refers to herself as one of the cypherpunk witches.
The cypherpunk witches are of the view that cryptocurrency can enhance the power and influence of witches and equally enable them to engage in transactions that are void of restrictions as found in mainstream commerce platforms. The cypherpunk witches believe technology has a bit of magic in it, and are among the crypto enthusiasts that have embedded spirituality in their tech projects.
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