02 May Bitcoin Is Superior to Gold
A report published by leading U.S.-based crypto exchange, Coinbase, has argued that Bitcoin (BTC) offers a distinct advantage over gold. They state that Bitcoin is afforded these advantages by its lack of dependence on physical supply chains.
While the report’s authors assert that “Bitcoin and gold are fundamentally similar as scarce and globally accessible units of value,” Coinbase advances that gold’s recent supply squeeze, resulting from the impacts of the coronavirus pandemic, has highlighted Bitcoin’s superior global accessibility.
Bitcoin offers advantages over gold
In a report published on May 2, Coinbase argues that the COVID-19 pandemic has illuminated the advantages that BTC offers over gold, asserting that “Bitcoin does not rely on fragile physical supply chains and is truly globally accessible.”
Coinbase emphasizes the recent price gaps exhibited by gold markets worldwide, as disruptions to supply chains result in disparate levels of scarcity across different…