03 May Bitcoin is ‘Bulls–t,’ Says ‘Dr Doom’ Nouriel Roubini in Latest Crypto Rant
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Nouriel Roubini has doubled down on his longstanding hatred for bitcoin, ranting this week that the flagship cryptocurrency is “bulls–t” and that blockchain technology is not much more valuable.
Roubini, who participated in a panel discussion on cryptocurrencies at the annual Milken Institute Global conference in Los Angeles, unleashed a verbal assault on bitcoin that will not be soon forgotten.
“There is no decentralization, it’s just bulls–t,” Roubini said, adding that a blockchain is just a “glorified Excel spreadsheet.”
The panel, which also featured industry executives such as Abra CEO Bill Barhydt, was titled “Cryptocurrencies: Irrational Exuberance or Brave New World?” and there was little doubt about Roubini’s opinion on the matter
According to another account, the New York University (NYU) economist — who earned the nickname “Dr. Doom” for anticipating the…
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