27 Apr Alpha-Testing Blox and the Qudo Proof-of-Gameplay Crypto Reward System
The integration of blockchain technology into games is one of the seismic industry shifts of recent times, with some believing that gaming is the key to mass adoption of cryptocurrency.
The soon-to-be-released Qudo platform from Portugal’s Blockbastards, promises to allow developers to integrate crypto rewards into any Unity-based game without any previous blockchain experience.
But what is the experience like for the gamer? We signed up to alpha-test Blox, the first game developed for the system, to find out.
Get paid to play
Qudo bills itself as “a proof-of-gameplay reward mechanism aiming to revolutionize the gaming industry.”
From the gamer’s point of view, it offers a way to earn cryptocurrency tokens for in-game achievements and highscores, along with through network rewards just for spending time playing.
These QUDO tokens can then be sold through an exchange, or spent on in-game purchases on any game that uses the system, as Blockbastards Managing Director Joao Abrantes…