04 Oct U.S. Federal Election Committee Considers Request to Mine Cryptocurrency for Political C…
Candidates for the 2020 presidential election may be able to accept cryptocurrency mining profits as campaign donations.
Could Mining Reform Political Campaigning?
Osia Network, LLC, recently made a request to embed cryptocurrency mining tools on the FEC website and the U.S Federal Election Committee (FEC) is considering whether or not mining profits could be used to support political campaigns.
The rather obscure company is offering its service to volunteers willing to allocate a portion of its computing power to cryptocurrency mining. While volunteers would not be the recipients of the mining profits, they will have the option of directing them toward a political candidate of their choosing. After volunteers decide where to direct their mining ‘profits,’ Osia Network would basically pool volunteers in the appropriate collectives and use computers processing power to mine cryptocurrency — as long as the computer was logged into Osai Network’s website.
The company would…
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