21 May Trump Signs Deregulation Order to Boost US Economic Recovery
U.S. President Donald Trump has signed an executive order to eliminate “unnecessary regulations that impede economic recovery” following the coronavirus crisis. With this deregulation, government agencies are “encouraged to promote economic recovery through non-regulatory actions.”
Trump Signs Deregulation Order to Help Economic Recovery Following Coronavirus Crisis
At a cabinet meeting on Tuesday, U.S. President Donald Trump signed an executive order instructing federal agencies to eliminate “unnecessary regulations that impede economic recovery,” the media quoted him as saying. This latest deregulatory effort is aimed at helping the U.S. economy recover from the impact of the covid-19 crisis, Trump announced. According to the executive order published by the White House:
The heads of all agencies are also encouraged to promote economic recovery through non-regulatory actions.
Trump’s deregulation order directs federal agencies to “identify regulatory standards that…