21 Jan This Surprising Factor Will Massively Increase Bitcoin Adoption, Says Industry Execs
Right now, Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies are something of a niche offering. But many nations continue to skirt economic meltdown, thanks in part to unprecedented levels of quantitative easing. As such, some industry commentators predict a flippening when stuff finally does hit the fan.
A global economic recession is inevitable, and it will benefit bitcoin
At the risk of sounding like a doom monger, it’s inevitable that a global recession will occur in the near future.
And saying that isn’t FUD, but merely an inescapable consequence of a badly managed fiat-based global economic system.
The warning signs are there for all to see, including slowing US growth, the lack of a US-China trade deal, and economically motivated civil unrest in Argentina, Iran, South Africa, Turkey, and Venezuela.
Not forgeting the cracks that are appearing with regard to the US dollar’s status as the world reserve currency.
But strangely a disconnect in the financial markets exist, and stocks have never…
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