13 Mar Stock Markets Sees Shutdowns, Will Bitcoin’s Free Market Sustain Coronavirus Attack?
The price action during the last day across assets have been violent. Bitcoin’s price witnessed massive price swings around eastern trading time on 13th March. BTC dropped to lows at $3600 followed by an instant push above $5,500.
The stocks markets, on the other hand, are witnessing brief shutdowns as the lower circuits in prices are hit. While the losses on commodities market where unpalatable, gold prices were far more stable holding above January 2020 levels at $1560.
Circuit Breakers Across Global Stock Markets
The Indian Stock Markets hit the lower trading circuits today as NIFTY 50 (equivalent of S&P 500) drops to 4 year lows since 2016. The lower circuit caused the trading to halt for 45 minutes so that traders could come to terms with their losses.
Similar situation happened yesterday on the US stock market when the trading was halted for minutes after opening bells.
#MarketSlump | #Nifty hits lower circuit, trading halted for 45 mins
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