21 May Startup Teams Samourai Wallet on App to Trade Bitcoin Without the Internet
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GoTenna, a decentralized startup, has teamed with Samourai Wallet, a bitcoin wallet focused on privacy and security, on an app that allows users to trade bitcoin when not connected to the web.
The TxTenna app marks an effort to further decentralize the bitcoin network, according to Richard Myers, a goTenna decentralized applications engineer and co-founder of Bybit AB, writing in inthemesh.com. The goTenna device allows users to join a mesh network and send information without the need for Internet access.
How It Works
With the goTenna app, the user creates a bitcoin transaction on the app while offline. The app sends the transaction to the Txtenna app, delivering it to mesh nodes. The transaction then gets relayed to other goTenna devices, eventually reaching an Internet-connected node that also runs TxTenna, which passes it on to the bitcoin network.
According to goTenna, simulations indicate less…
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