06 May Renowned Economist Tears Into Bitcoin, Calling it Bulls**t – The Merkle
In case you were wondering, Nouriel Roubini’s stance on Bitcoin and other cryptos hasn’t changed a bit. He still thinks cryptos are a scam, and believes Bitcoin is “bulls**t”. In a panel discussion at the Milken Institute in Los Angeles, the economist who lectures at New York University referred to late Bitcoin entrants as “suckers” who would end up being preyed on by the earlier entrants.
The panel consisted of Abra’s CEO and founder, Bill Barhydt, Alex Mashinsky, CEO of crypto lending pool Celcius Network, and Brent McIntosh, general counsel for the U.S. Treasury. It was moderated by Anna Irrera, a journalist from Reuters who had to step in time and again as the debate got heated.
The Mother Of All Bubbles?
Without wasting any time, Roubini started tearing into Bitcoin in his opening statement. In the last year, everyone rushed to Bitcoin to take advantage of its fast rise to $20,000, and once people realized that it was “the mother of all…
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