13 Dec OptiToken Cryptocurrency Uses Algorithmic Trading and a Buyback Program to Increase Valu…
In a Nutshell: Miners who validate blockchain transactions earn cryptocurrency as a reward, meaning the number of tokens in circulation increases. That makes inflation a threat to the value housed in those systems. OptiToken provides a solution to that problem by deriving its token value from other crypto tokens traded with a high-performing algorithmic protocol. Profits from those trades are used to buy back the tokens and remove them from circulation, which means the supply of OptiTokens decreases over time. And the resulting scarcity and upward price pressure cause OptiToken to steadily gain value.
Blockchain-based cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin are digitally mined through a process that automatically increases the amount of those currencies in circulation. That could lead to inflation and loss of value, and it is a reality for Bitcoin and nearly every other cryptocurrency on the market.
But OptiToken differentiates itself by leveraging innovative trading and buyback protocols…
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