07 May Old Investors Resort to Childish Taunts About Bitcoin, Optimistic Trend
The old money guard is at it again. Warren Buffett at age 87 sat on stage Saturday with his elder business partner Charlie Munger who is 94 and made kindergarten grade comments about Bitcoin and the legitimacy of cryptocurrency once again.
Buffett and Munger at it Again.
Appearing like flesh and blood versions of Statler and Waldorf, the cantankerous old men from the Muppets Show Buffet and Munger bandied snide criticisms about Bitcoin back and forth in front of an audience gathered for the Berkshire Hathaway annual meeting.
Buffett, known as the Oracle of Omaha for his history of predicting solid investments, started off making all his normal comments about Bitcoin being a non-asset and warning that it is “tool for charlatans” before remarking that it is”probably rat poison squared,” in answer to a question by an investor.
Charlie Munger then picked up the thread by telling Buffet ” I like cryptocurrencies a lot less than you do” before continuing in a wheezy kind of…
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