23 May MIT Is Testing A Smart Contract-Powered Bitcoin Lightning Network
An MIT test is providing a rare glimpse of how bitcoin might truly work at scale.
Revealed to CoinDesk last week, the prestigious U.S. university has been quietly demoing an experimental use case for bitcoin’s lightning network, one that showcases how it might be combined with smart contracts to not only handle millions of transactions, but do so with a greater degree of complexity.
Modeled within the school’s Digital Currency Initiative, started in 2015 as a way to further R&D on cryptocurrencies, the test envisions a system wherein transactions would take place automatically in the case of defined external events, say based on say today’s weather or the current price of U.S. dollars.
This is possible due to MIT’s creative use of so-called “oracles,” trusted entities meant to broadcast data to smart contracts. For this demo, researchers Tadge Dryja and Alin S. Dragos built a test oracle to broadcast the recent price of U.S. dollars in satoshis, the smallest unit of bitcoins,…
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