22 Dec Mandel fan of cryptocurrency | The Courier
Chris Oaks spoke this week with outgoing Ohio Treasurer Josh Mandel.
Q:Several weeks ago, you launched the OhioCrypto initiative, which allows businesses to pay taxes to the state using BitCoin. How long has this program been in the planning stages?
A:I’ve been an enthusiast of cryptocurrency for quite a while, but this specifically is something we’ve been discussing and researching for most of this year. Obviously, this is something that requires a great deal of planning and preparation.
Q:What precipitated the idea in the first place? Was it your own personal interest in cryptocurrency?
A:No, the two main motivators were the desire to give taxpayers more options and to be at the forefront of emerging technology that sends a message about how Ohio embraces that technology. So not only is it about offering additional flexibility to business owners who wish to utilize this option, but also to “plant the flag” that may draw more investment to our state among high-tech…
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