21 Jan Major Central Banks Announce Cooperation On Efforts Regarding Cryptocurrencies
Some major central banks, including that of Britain, Japan, and Sweden, have reportedly come together on cooperation towards cryptocurrencies. The organizations will share their experience in a dedicated group.
Major Banks Come Together To Work On Cryptocurrencies
Major central banks are stepping up on the matter of cryptocurrencies. According to a Reuters report, the banks of Britain, the Eurozone, Japan, Sweden, and Switzerland, will be entering a dedicated group to discuss potential cases for issuing their very own cryptocurrency.
The statement came from a joint statement from the Bank of England and the European Central Bank.
The dedicated group will reportedly be headed by the former official of the ECB, Benoit Coeure. Interestingly enough, he will also be assisted by the Bank of International Settlements (BIS).
Efforts Are Getting Serious
It seems like news about central-bank issued cryptocurrencies is getting more and more consistent. However, the sentiment of different…
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