25 Aug Is Lightning Network the Most Optimum Bitcoin Scaling Solution?
The Lightning Network has been subject to controversy since it’s rise to prominence in 2016. Championed as BTC’s solution to scaling, thousands of people in the Bitcoin community voiced their opinions on how it wouldn’t work. Now, nearly a year and a half later, it is still receiving criticism regarding its centralization, routing issues, and poor user experience.
The Lighting What?
If you already understand how the LN works, I suggest skipping to the next section.
During the Bitcoin scaling debate in 2016/2017, the lightning network and other layer-two solutions were considered the best path forward for the network, instead of a minor blocksize increase. The Lightning Network uses routed payment channel technology, something that even Satoshi discussed back in the day.
Instead of broadcasting transactions to the whole network, two users can send money back and forth between each other without ever touching the blockchain. Using cryptography and a hefty helping of game…
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