02 Feb Here’s What Bitcoin’s 2 Biggest Privacy Wallets are Working on in 2020
It’s no secret that Bitcoin has issues when it comes to privacy. After all, it’s pretty difficult to implement privacy features in a system that puts the entire history of transactions on a public ledger for everyone to see.
That said, improvements to Bitcoin privacy have been slowly implemented over time. And the two wallets pushing the limits of privacy in Bitcoin more than anyone else these days are Samourai Wallet and Wasabi Wallet.
While these two wallets have similar goals, they use a variety of different methods to improve privacy for their users. And these differences have led to a rather nasty feud between the two projects.
Both wallets have their supporters, and Cryptonews.com reached out to developers from both projects to see what they’re working on in 2020.
Post-Mixing tools and increasing CoinJoin usage with Samourai
For the pseudonymous developer known as TDevD on Twitter, the focus for Samourai Wallet in 2020 will be on continuing to…
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