04 Mar Google Search Trends in India on March 4, 2020, Explained: From Cryptocurrency to WhatsA…
Google search trends are a peek at what has currently captured the attention of the globe, giving us a look at what people are searching for with the world’s most popular search engine. The Mountain View, California-based company publishes daily and real-time search trends in the major regions it operates in. The data is insightful, but unfortunately, to understand the reasons for something trending in search is not always that straightforward. Here, we take a look at the top daily and real-time search trends in India, and place those search trends in context, giving you a better understanding of what’s trending and why. Here are the top search trends in India today, from coronavirus to WhatsApp.
1. Coronavirus – Coronavirus Bangalore – Symptoms of Coronavirus
There’s no wonder that the term ‘coronavirus’ is trending. The virus, specifically known as Novel Coronavirus or severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2), can cause the COVID-19 disease. Said to have…
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