14 Nov Galaxy Digital, Paxos and Genesis Trading have prepared a draft code for the bitcoin ind…
- The cryptocurrency industry may have a code of ethics.
- The standards are supposed to improve the reputation of the industry.
The Association of Digital Assets Market (ADAM), founded by such companies as Galaxy Digital, over-the-counter service Genesis Global Trading and blockchain startup Paxos, has prepared a draft version of the ethical code for the cryptocurrency market. Об этом сообщает CoinDesk.
The authors of the document point out, the new standards are designed for companies that work with institutional investors. They are designed to improve the reputation of the cryptocurrency industry.
The Code addresses issues of transparency, legal compliance, risks, information security, business sustainability, conflict of interest prevention, market manipulation, money laundering and terrorist financing.
In particular, companies are advised to be truthful in their statements, clearly indicate whether the prices they provide are solid or…
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