19 Apr G20 Considers 10 Rules for Regulation of Stablecoins Like Facebook Libra

The G20 is setting rules to regulate stablecoins such as Facebook’s Libra cryptocurrency. Responding to a call by the G20, the Financial Stability Board (FSB) has provided 10 “high-level” recommendations that establish a regulatory framework for stablecoins.
Also read: IMF Declares Global Recession, 80 Countries Request Help, Trillions of Dollars Needed
G20 Sets International Rules for Stablecoins
The G20 finance ministers and central bank governors will meet under Saudi Arabia’s G20 presidency on Wednesday to “discuss and take urgent actions needed to address the global challenge presented by the covid-19 pandemic,” host country Saudi Arabia announced. The April G20 finance chiefs’ meeting is traditionally held in Washington, D.C., but due to the coronavirus outbreak worldwide, G20 meetings are currently held virtually, and more frequently.
Ahead of the meeting, the Financial Stability Board (FSB) published 10 “high-level” recommendations on Tuesday that “addressed…