15 Dec FoPay Bought AliExchange for 1 Million FOIN
Cryptocurrency Wallet service provider, FoPay announced today that it has acquired Cryptocurrency Exchange, AliExchange in a deal worth 1 million FOIN. FOIN’s 30 days average price is approximately USD2,100, making this acquisition valued at about 2.1 Billion USD.
AliExchange is a new Cryptocurrency Exchange based in Tallinn, Estonia. It began operations in March this year and was reported to have a DTV (daily trading volume) reaching 200 million in the past 3 months, with most of its customer base in Asia. Despite its impressive achievements, AliExchange has yet to be listed on Coin Market Cap (CMC). AliExchange is currently operating under License No FFA000329 that allows it to operate as a financial institution providing financial services, except insurance and pension funding; License No. FVR001186 that allows it to provide services of exchanging a virtual currency against a fiat currency and License No. FRK001082 that allows it to operate a virtual currency wallet service….
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