09 Jan Ethereum, Tron and EOS Control 98% of All Dapp Volume
2019 was a good year for dapps and a particularly good one for Tron and Ethereum. That’s the upshot of Dapp Review’s new report into crypto-powered decentralized applications. The sprawling research document inspects the major dapp networks in forensic detail and provides key takeaways. The headline-grabber is the revelation that Tron, EOS, and Ethereum accrued $23 billion in dapp volume last year, with Tron leapfrogging EOS along the way to establish itself as the de facto dapp network for recreational use.
Also read: Researcher’s Scathing Lightning Network Analysis Finds Flaws
Three Chains Control the Dapp Economy
As the cryptoconomy has evolved, so has the role played by the leading smart contract networks. Ethereum has pivoted from ICOs to defi, Tron has become the preeminent dapp chain for gambling applications, and EOS has found itself positioned somewhere between the two, not quite decentralized enough for defi and onchain resource costs…
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