21 Nov Dwight Schrute tells Bitcoin holders to give their ‘worthless cryptocurrency’ to a non-p…
Rainn Wilson has a message for Bitcoin BTC holders: give your “worthless cryptocurrency” to the Mona Foundation, a non-profit that supports worldwide initiatives in education and equality.
The organization opened up its donation channels to accept a raft of cryptocurrencies earlier this week. It now accepts Bitcoin, Bitcoin Cash, Ethereum, Litecoin, as well as the USDC stablecoin, via a web app operated by major exchange Coinbase.
Wilson, widely recognized for his portrayal of Dwight Schrute in the US version of The Office, appears in a promotional video to encourage “Bitcoin owners, cryptocurrency fanatics, and alternative financing fans” to donate.
“I hope you’ll consider giving your worthless cryptocurrency to the Mona Foundation,” says Wilson. “As you know, Mark Cuban said that cryptocurrency… that he’d rather have bananas than Bitcoin, so please, give your bananas to the Mona Foundation.”
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