26 Sep Don’t Panic! The Hitchhikers Guide To Bitcoin Fundamentals
After any significant drop in bitcoin price like we had yesterday, some people can have a tendency to panic. This isn’t helped by mainstream media being far keener to report price crashes than gains.
But anyone who has observed the market for longer than the last cycle knows that short term movement is all but irrelevant. We need to reassure ourselves by considering the network fundamentals over a longer period. Which is exactly what Hans Hauge, Senior Quantitive Researcher at Ikigai Asset Management did on Twitter.
Bitcoin Network Fundamentals
Firstly, Hauge ignored daily levels, and concentrated on 365-day moving averages. This gives a far more stable set of data with which to examine overall trends, rather than sometimes jittery daily peaks and troughs.
From this we can see that the number of daily transactions is at an all-time high. So the network would certainly not seem to be at risk of desertion any time soon.
Apparently some people are worried about Bitcoin? I don’t…
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