31 Dec Cryptocurrencies retracing as Volume Dries up
2019 Crypto Currency Gainers and Losers
The year is over, and by analyzing what happened, we get a mixture of successes and not so much. Along with Bitcoin (+93.93%), the most highly valued were Binance Coin (+126%), Tezos (+184%), and the star of the year: Atom (41,728.8%).
The big losers of the year were Tron(-29.53%), Ripple (-45.43%), DASH (-46.65%), Iota ( -55.13%), and Stellar (-59.65%).
In the Ethereum token section, there were huge performers, such as LINK (+628.98%), SNX(+3,067%), MOF (+3,582%), ThoreCoin (THR,+3,498%) and SEELE (+3,343%). Overall the token section has provided excellent returns for most of the investors with very few risks. Among the top capitalized, only ZRX was a lousy performer with a 36.8% drop, while the average gain is above 300%.
Fig 1 – 1Year Crypto Heat Map
The last 24 Hours
The last 24 hours Cruptos were retracing part of the gains acquired during the weekend. The drops were between 2 and 4 percent, with Tron…
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