21 May Coldplay star invests in Edinburgh cryptocurrency start-up Zumo
Coldplay bass player Guy Berryman is one of the investors behind an Edinburgh fintech which aims to help ordinary investors buy cryptocurrencies.
The Zumo mobile wallet and payments app makes it simpler for users to spend and exchange cryptocurrencies and aims to make digital payments faster and cheaper worldwide.
It already allows customers to trade and hold digital currencies Bitcoin and Etherium on its platform.
Founder and CEO Nick Jones says there is growing demand from small private investors to own cryptocurrencies amid turbulence in equity markets.Bitcoin has doubled in price since coronavirus gripped Europe in early March.

Zumo says it is working to incorporate currencies including sterling and euros on the app, which will work in conjuction with a debit card. The app will also centralise a user’s control over their financial, personal, employment and genetic data.
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