10 Dec China loves Bitcoin SV – CoinGeek
In just a year, application development has exploded in China on Bitcoin SV. It is now fast becoming the worldwide center of BSV Earn & Use economic model globally. With its fast-paced and tech-savvy atmosphere, it was only fitting for the Bitcoin Association to hold the inaugural mini-conference in China to close out a busy 2019.
I can tell you first hand, the BSV China Road Trip was a huge hit! And it is certainly because of its audience. The passionate and committed Chinese community of developers, tech innovators and enthusiasts and media were very energized everywhere we went. People flew in from all corners of the country to visit the Conrad Beijing for this special occasion and to meet both Bitcoin Association Founding President Jimmy Nguyen and nChain Chief Scientist Dr. Craig Wright.
The conference featured a series of presentations and discussions by BSV developers and projects created and founded in China such as Weiblock, Showpay, FastPay Button, DID-Bank, Blue-SV,…
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