02 Feb Bitcoin Price Breaks A Five-Year Trend, Closes January 2020 With 30% Gain
Bitcoin closes the month of January on a very bullish note, posting its highest monthly close since August 2019.
Bitcoin’s close in January snaps a five-year trend of January closing below the open.
Bitcoin closes January 2020 with a +30% gain
January is typically a very tricky month across all financial markets. The adage, ‘so goes January, so goes the stock market’ seems to play out very well in the stock market – but not always in cryptocurrencies. For Bitcoin, the trend over the past five years has seen the month of January close its monthly candlestick below the open:
January 2019: -7.59%
January 2018: -26.88%
January 2017: -0.24%
January 2016: -14.48%
January 2015: -32.43%
How has Bitcoin traded in prior January months?
January 2014: +16.5%
January 2013: +51.07%
January 2012: +16.10%
January 2011: +73.33% ($0.30 to ($0.52)
July 2010: +40% ($0.05 to…
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