30 Nov Bitcoin forecast: Bitcoin’s time is over as cryptos overtake in 2019 claims expert | Cit…
Bitcoin’s lacklustre development and overall lack of technical support will be the token’s ultimate demise. As tech companies invest in blockchain technologies and provide the time and effort needed to nourish digital currencies, some experts believe bitcoin will fail to keep up. According to Samuel Leach, founder of multi-purpose crypto token Yield Coin, 2019 is promising to be a particularly exciting year of “real cryptocurrency growth”. However, in his opinion, bitcoin might not necessarily ride the incoming tide of crypto progress even if centralised regulation recognises the token’s worth.
In a worst-case scenario, Mr Leach thinks a future without bitcoin is slowly becoming a grim reality.
He said: “Bitcoin in my eyes is more like the grandad. You see others come up like Ripple, which has a solid team behind it constantly developing it and progressing it forwards in the future.
“Bitcoin is made, it’s done and that’s what we’re left with and that’s what…
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