21 May Bitcoin.com Exchange Lists ESH Token Support Prior to John McAfee’s Ghost Airdrop
In mid-April, news.Bitcoin.com reported John McAfee’s new privacy token called Ghost, as the former anti-virus tycoon detailed “governments will be unable to shut it down.” Ghost won’t be distributed in the usual fashion by leveraging an initial coin offering (ICO), as the project will instead utilize the airdrop process. In order to obtain the Ghost token, recipients will need to hold a specific ERC20 token called ESH. Today, Bitcoin.com’s cryptocurrency trading platform announced that ESH will now be listed, so users can obtain the token in order to participate in the Ghost airdrop or trade against it using Bitcoin.com’s powerful trading engine.
The Bitcoin.com Exchange continues to improve and add new features to the overall trading experience. Just recently, the trading platform announced the listing of the BTCSHORT token produced by Amun, which allows people to gain exposure to -1x the daily price performance of BTC. On Friday, May 21, 2020, the Bitcoin.com…