02 Feb Bitcoin (BTC) Treasure Hunt Launches on Minecraft
If you’re a fan of Minecraft and stacking satoshis, this new treasure hunt may be right up your alley.
A new Minecraft mod called SatoshiQuest just hit the front page of the Bitcoin subreddit. The creator of the game says it’s 100% open-source and gives players a unique Bitcoin (BTC) wallet linked to their Universally Unique Identifier (UUID) in Minecraft.
The objective of the game is simple. Upon the first login, players receive a wallet address where they can deposit $1 worth of Bitcoin. Players use the deposited Bitcoin to purchase lives. They can then join a battle royale-style quest to explore the vast Minecraft realm and find the pot of loot.
The developer says that when someone is close to the loot, the game will announce the player’s location. This gives other participants the chance to rush and try to steal it.
The SatoshiQuest creator says all transactions are done on-chain and once the loot is found, the game…
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