28 May Bitcoin (BTC) Manipulation Highly Probable

Bitcoin (BTC) being the King of Crypto, generally dictates the direction the rest of the market will take. When BTC is fumbling in the market like in the current market times, every other coin and token also fumbles. This is because BTC dominates the total market capitalization by occupying 38.4% of the current total market cap of $326.6 Billion at the moment of writing this.
A brief check on the history of BTC prices yields the King of Crypto had peaked on December 17th at a value of around $20,000. Coincidentally, this was just hours before the BTC futures started being offered by the CME group amidst lots of fanfare and delight of crypto-traders who saw this as a sign of crypto joining the mainstream of investing. However, a few traders were wary of Wallstreet getting into the business and warned that the ‘big shots’ in the big investment firms, will probably find a way to short BTC and any other crypto out there.
Coincidentally, the value of BTC and the entire market…
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