03 Feb Are Advisors Ready To Take Advantage?
Individuals around the globe began accumulating bitcoin not long after the mining of the genesis block in 2009.
More recently, institutional investors joined the party, and have been gradually dipping their toes in crypto waters – but what about financial advisors and wealth managers? Are they ready to embrace digital assets and start recommending this novel asset class to their clientele?
Based on the enthusiasm at last week’s National LINC 2020, TD Ameritrade’s annual conference for financial advisors, I’d say that the answer is a resounding, “yes.”
More than 1,000 financial advisors crowded the Hyatt Regency Orlando for a day-long digital assets track, hosted by Don Friedman, founder of the Digital Asset Strategy Summit, and Ric Edelman, RIADAC founder and one of the nation’s most prominent financial advisors. The discussions were dedicated to helping advisors discover blockchain’s impact…
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